Ok, I'll try...
This is how my previous post would look like, automatically translated from Serbian into English
Ivek, nemoj me pogrešno razumeti, ali svi mi želimo da ti pomognemo i ja se ne osećam baš prijatno da sam ja napredniji korisnik od tebe. I ja takođe još uvek puno učim o PVDu i od njega. Mislim da svi mi možemo doprineti PVDu i jedni drugima. Deset ljudi je pametnije od troje.
Slobodno pitaj sve što želiš, i ja obećavam da ću dati sve od sebe da dodatno objasnim. Uopšte nije problem.
Ali, prethodno razmotri sve predloge koji su ti ovde dati.
Iveco, do not misunderstand me, but all we want to help you and I do not feel very comfortable that I am the more advanced user than you. I also still a lot of PVDu and learn from him. I think we all can contribute to PVDu and each other. Ten people were smarter than three.
Feel free to ask anything you want, and I promise that I will give my best to explain further. It is not a problem.
But consider all previous proposals, which are those given here..
What I need to know Rick is which English is harder to understand in this particular case: mine, or Google's? Are you willing to correct spelling and grammar in any, just to catch some things?