Another follow-up to my earlier post.
I tried doing searches based on the "Budget" field. This field, like "Rating", is numeric... you can type any text you want into it in Edit Mode, but only numeric values will be saved when you save the record (non-numeric input will be "silently" rejected).
Now, it so happens that NONE of my movies have any budget data recorded for them in my database... "Budget IS NULL" returns 1364 out of 1364 records. But "Budget IS NOT NULL" returns 403 records!
In this case, the anomaly can be explained by this: When I first started using PVD, each new record added had a
blank "Budget" field, whether I added the movie manually, by "New Movie Master", or by scanning files on disc. So those records have a truly NULL value for "Budget". BUT,
at some point (possibly around the end of May '09), the behavior of PVD
changed so that new records got a "Budget" value of ZERO if not otherwise specified. (A "Budget" of zero does not appear in the normal viewing mode, but will show up in Edit Mode, i.e. the field will actually have a "0" in it, as opposed to the older records where "Budget" is BLANK).
So, those 403 records are merely the ones that have true zeroes in "Budget", as opposed to the earlier NULL value. A search for "Budget = 0" returns the SAME 403 records.
The same thing goes for the "Box Office" and "Year" fields... earlier releases of PVD left them NULL if not specified, while newer versions set them to zero.
Note the difference between this behavior and that of the "Rating" field, as discussed earlier. For "Rating" and its siblings, "Rating = 0" and "Rating IS NULL" are equivalent (returning the same group of records), but that's not the case for "Budget"! "Budget = 0" returns ONLY the movies that have a budget actually equal to zero, NOT the ones that are NULL. "Budget IS NULL" returns movies with either zero
or NULL budgets!
(Remember, I think that PVD always stores a numeric zero for unrated movies, even if that zero isn't displayed in Edit Mode, which is why "= 0" and "IS NULL" are equivalent for "Rating". "Rating IS NULL" is still returning records with either zero OR NULL values, but since "Rating" is
never truly NULL, the condition simply returns all records with a rating of zero. That's not the case for "Budget", etc., which, as I've found, can have a truly NULL value, at least on older records.)
What it boils down to is this: the "IS NULL" condition will return records with (numeric) zero or (text) blank values AS WELL AS true "null" values, no matter what field you're searching on.
The "NOT NULL" condition always returns all records for which the tested field has
ever been assigned ANY value (other than true NULL), regardless of the field's current value.
As mgpw4me has pointed out, there really is no way to set a NULL value on any field in PVD. Not-NULL values are created anytime a value is assigned to a field, and remain not-NULL forever, even if the field is cleared out or set to zero.
So if anything, the "IS NULL" testing is
technically broken, as it
technically should only return records for which the field is truly NULL (has never had any value assigned by either PVD or the user), not fields containing numeric zeros or empty strings. "IS NOT NULL", on the other hand, actually works as intended.