English > Feature Suggestions

Suggestion for IMDB plugin

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All right, the issue with reviews is fixed.
As for the Taglines, I think one tagline from the main page is more than enough, so I'll skip this feature suggestion.

Thanks for the quick fix. All of them. ;)

Wish I had spotted this sooner...When a review includes a spoiler warning (i.e., "*** This review may contain spoilers ***"), only the heading and warning are downloaded. Is that intentional?

No, so wait for the next fix ;)

Thanks. No rush. Although this is interesting... 12% of the reviews I've downloaded have the warning. A good reviewer is supposed to be able to write a review without spoilers, so this is a high proportion of what are supposed to be the best reviews. Hopefully this is a result of the dire consequence of including a spoiler in a review without the warning...

--- Quote from: IMDb ---Avoid unannounced spoilers! Please don't reveal crucial plot elements. If you include a spoiler without warning readers in advance your name will be added to a blacklist and, subsequently, all your reviews will be discarded automatically. To label a spoiler make sure you check the 'contains spoilers' checkbox.
--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: nostra on September 03, 2011, 09:27:12 pm ---
--- Quote ---Oh, I understand if no other options, User Reviews Information goodbye.

--- End quote ---

Ehm, so does it download anything for you or what?

--- End quote ---

I apologize that we did not properly understand.
I just wanted to say this, that certain information can not download from these or other reasons, otherwise me interested in all information to be transmitted.
Yes, download all for me.

--- Quote from: nostra on September 03, 2011, 09:27:12 pm ---
--- Quote ---Do you edit the plugin in order to transfer all information taglines, which are written over there.
--- End quote ---

There is usually only one, AFAIK

--- End quote ---

It will also be fine.


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