Hello everybody, I'm new and quite interested by this astonishing software.
I don't know if what I'm about to explain will make sense because my english is quite poor.
I have a huge (and i mean HUGE) mkv collection.
If one of my hard-disks crasches (it happened once) I could lose up to 1500 films, so I have to manage backups on others disks that are not always the same size.
It would be nice to be able to check if each file has a backup copy, and when adding or deleting a file to be asked if a backup file should be added or deleted too. Or when replacing an avi file with an mkv one (for example), being able to keep the info and to swap only the files and the backups. Of course the software has each time to check if there is enough room on the disk, to store for each movie the path of the backup folder ...
For the moment I use a self-made "program" using excel vba which retrieves data from the french database Allociné (which provides a very convenient API) and I have implemented those functions. But the whole is very slow and on the contrary PVD is quite impressive with features I couldn't dream to achieve by myself.
So thanks in advance for considering this suggestion for a future version.
PS : If interested I can provide some info on the allociné API which, if integrated would certainly make this program useful for lots of french users.