Author Topic: Importing images using IMGbyID utility  (Read 13934 times)

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Importing images using IMGbyID utility
« on: February 23, 2010, 01:23:49 am »

I need some help here, if you are willing to help me.

Here's my situation:

1. I have 5332 entries. Of them, 5194 have IDs 1-5194, and 138 of them have the same ID=0 (it has to be like that).
2. So far, I have 1052 posters for non-subsequent entries in database (138 for "ID=0" entries and 914 for other entries).
3. All posters were saved in database (option to save them there is set in Preferences). I got tired of manual importing posters.
4. I have external posters for 5194 entries (those for which ID is not 0) in some folder.
5. I renamed all 5194 external posters to corespondent IDs with "Rename Master" software ([ID].jpg)
6. I would like to import all those posters to my database.
7. My first goal is to import (5194-914=)4280 posters for entries without posters and to ADD (import as well) 914 additional posters to mentioned 914 entries.
8. If that is impossible, my second goal would be to remove all 914 posters, and then to import those 5194 posters.

Now, I need some clarifications first.
Hopefully, you've imported the poster location. If you haven't, you will need to do so.

9. Imported from where to where? How?

Then export ID and poster location to Excel,

10. Export from PVD, or Movie Collector?

... and use this to create a DOS batch file that will rename all your posters to ID (i.e., rename [full pathname of poster] [ID].jpg).

11. Do I need this, cause I already have them renamed with [ID].jpg?

Do those 3 questions refer to my situation at all? :D

Final questions:

12. Is it possible to add posters with this utility regarding my situation at all?
13. Is it possible to add more than one poster for a single entry with this utility?
14. Do I have to set thumbnail folder prior to importing at all?

Thank you for your time in advance!
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 05:56:22 am by »


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Importing images using IMGbyID utility
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2010, 02:15:54 am »
12. Is it possible to add posters with this utility regarding my situation at all?

I believe so, but it's been a long time since I've used it, so I'm going to assume you can figure out the details...

13. Is it possible to add more than one poster for a single entry with this utility? this one, for example. I doubt it. I'll also assume the utility requires the ID be used to identify the movie. But more importantly, I don't know if it still works after the recent change to the structure of the ID.

9. Imported from where to where? How?

Originally, I meant import the image pathnames into a custom field so you could use them later for an image import. But you can do both steps now. I don't know how you've named your image files, but I assume you have some way of matching them up to what's in the database (e.g., Title and Year).

0. Backup!!! Database and external images.

1. Export a movie list to Excel, including ID and whatever you need to match the image filenames.

2. Create a list of image pathnames and import those into Excel.

3. Re-index your ID's, and export again.

4. Combine all three lists in Excel, so for each movie you have the new sequential ID, the old ID, and the image pathname. Combine these to create the command rename <image pathname> <path>\<ID>.jpg. Copy this column to a text file, rename the file with a .BAT and run it.

5. Use the utility to import the images.

6. Import your Excel file to replace the re-indexed ID's with the old ones.

7. [Optional] Use the Excel worksheet to create another batch file that will rename the image to <movie pathname>.jpg. Even though they're in the database, I like having posters "beside" the movie files so I can see them in the file system as well.

There are, of course, variations that will also work. If your nervous about messing up your existing ID's, for example, you could do a similar process on just those—without changing the ID's. And then deal with the other 138 separately. Or even better, export only those, assign unique ID's and re-import.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 05:57:09 am by »


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Importing images using IMGbyID utility
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2010, 05:04:16 am »
When you save an image outside of database it got a name something like "Original Title_ID.jpg" and some subfolder (in my case its name is "00001 -"), and its subfolders "Poster", "Covers", "Thumbnails" and "Screenshots" are created.

I think you gave me an idea how to do it with this utility.

1. I saved all existing images outside of database by unchecking option in Preferences.
2. I pasted 4280 external posters renamed with corespondent IDs (ID.jpg), to a "Posters" subfolder created by PVD.
3. Opened imgid utility. Pointed to database, than to a "Poster" folder, than to a "Thumbnails" folder also created by PVD.
4. Set "Set folder" option (don't know why).
5. Clicked "Process images" button. Waited for imgid to finish.
4. I opened PVD to hopefully see posters. Posters shown up!
5. Saved images to database. Deleted "00001 -" folder.
6. Saved images out of database so to all images got names according to Original Titles_IDs.
7. Saved images to database.
0. Made a backup before all of this, of course.
8. Made a backup after all of this, of course.

It is also confirmed in my case that this utility adds an image in addition to existing one(s) for the same id.

Thank you for inspiring me as usual, Rick.

P.S. Maybe you should rename this topic, for the sake of other users?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 05:58:10 am by »


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Re: Importing images using IMGbyID utility
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2010, 06:00:16 am »
You're welcome. I've split and renamed the topic, although I doubt anyone else will understand it.  ;)