ad 1. (not in search) Got it, thank you. Did not expect the "containing" to be clickable.
ad 2. (large/standard option) Also IMPawards. Right now, there is first the selection "which posters" and then - if available -
for each poster again whether it should be standard or large. Lots of clicks. It leads to the user choosing the option silent download of all images.
But this is nothing of first priority, just another little extra.
ad 3. (reset search) Ok, got this one, too, thanks. Good Button. BUT it is not very intuitive: If you click on the right side of the internet search field, it means "go searching". Clicking to the right side of the database search field means "reset standard view". And both fields are next to each other, on the same line. Or is this just me?
Lastly, a short question. I just imported hundreds of movies from external drives and optimized the process. I could give a short list/description for new users how I think it can be done efficiently (what works, what not in view of the results returned) and I have some ideas for minor improvements. Would this be useful for anyone here?