Author Topic: More than one seen date?  (Read 7365 times)

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Offline punking

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More than one seen date?
« on: January 17, 2010, 02:54:45 am »
Would it be possible to have more than one seen date. So if I watched 'Bullitt' in 12/01/07 and in 11/23/09 both dates could be visible. If I then did a search for films seen in 2009 it would appear, and if I did a search for films seen in 2007 it would also appear. It might be interesting to some to build up a history of how many times a certain film is viewed and when.


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Re: More than one seen date?
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2010, 07:42:12 am »
View date tracking would be nice, but I don't think a good implementation would be a trivial undertaking. I do it manually, using a custom multiselect list field. So I can tell you, for example, I viewed The Matrix on 1999-05-01, 2000-02-12, 2001-03-18, 2002-06-23 and 2007-01-13 ('s about time to watch it again!).

My routine is this: When I feel it's time I may want to watch a previously viewed movie, I move it's date Viewed from the standard field to my custom Previously Viewed field. This, of course, changes it's status from viewed to not viewed. It now appears in a filtered list of "unseen movies available for viewing," which is the main thing I want. At the same time, I haven't lost the previously viewed date. I can't sort on that field (because I chose to make it a multiselect list), but I can group it—which effectively does the same thing. What I can't do is list the movies seen once together with those seen more than once—by date viewed. So far, I haven't lost any sleep because of that.

As you can see, my routine is very much a result of personal preference. My database includes all movies I've seen for the last 10 years. Generally, I don't want to see a movie again until I've thoroughly forgotten it (The Matrix was a rare exception). So an important purpose of my database is to provide me a list of movies I may be interested in watching, and keeping a record of what I've seen so I know what not to watch. I wouldn't expect a view date tracking feature to work the same way. But if it didn't, it wouldn't be of much use to me...

...I'm making this too complicated. The easiest solution would be to log each view date to a separate field as it is set or changed. Then, anyone wanting to do it my way could reset a movie to "not viewed" any time they pleased, knowing the viewed dates are independently recorded in the history field. I do suggest this field be a multiselect list rather than a program-contolled list—so users have the option of recording other information along with the date (e.g., viewed with, location/theatre, etc.), or of correcting an error.

Offline punking

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Re: More than one seen date?
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2010, 05:19:06 pm »
Thanks for your reply. I'll have a go at setting that up. can I also take the opportunity to thank you for the time you spend on this forum helping people.


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Re: More than one seen date?
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2010, 01:13:25 am »
You're welcome. I enjoy it, as I did watching The Matrix yet again. ;)

