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File listing
« on: January 16, 2010, 04:15:36 am »
While scanning video files getting list of files in folder too, would be quite useful in many ways.

Thank you for prospective consideration.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2010, 04:20:32 am by buah »

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Re: File listing
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2010, 03:17:19 pm »
Could you provide a more detailed explanation of what you mean?
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Re: File listing
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2010, 07:31:24 pm »
Sure, thank you.

"Select Directory or Files" window for scanning video files is, so far, solution that saves time the most, from the user's point of view, and I was sincerely excited when I saw your approach on it. Users hate, at least I do, classic MS "Open" dialog window.

So, it would be great if it would be possible, alongside with video, through that same window to import all pictures at the same time, via "Import pictures" checkbox situated next to the "Add to the Existing Files" field, i.e., so that all of pictures would be stored in "Front Cover" field for example, and than via context menu in "Front Cover" field to assign any particular picture to designated picture field.

Another, even better approach, I think, would be to have some kind of multiselect list checkbox options "Import as Front Cover", "Import as CD cover", "Import as Poster" near every detected picture, so designation would need even less time, and that way left-right mouse clicks on picture could preserve their primal function - to scroll pictures.

And the last, but not the least thing. I have a lot of rips I didn't make, with subtitles separated from video, and that's the most common case with 95% of rips. So, it's not possible "Subtitle" field to fill in automatically for them. What I do is: scan video file, than go back to Explorer to check out which subs (in terms of language) I have for a scanned movie, than get back to PVD, than select subs language from the multiselect list. If it would possible through "Select Directory or Files" window also to get list of all files stored in scanned folder (this should be an option because of possibility to scan a folder with subfolders with movies in them) and to import that list to some "File List" memo field, the one would save a lot of time and concentration switching between windows and applications, because by looking at "File List" field he/she could know what subs he/she has, just from within PVD.

Another, maybe better approach would be to have multiselect list near any detect sub file (like for the pictures I suggested), so to additionally automatize process of importing data through scanning folders.

But, if it was too complex to involve "Custom" group operations in context menu, like I suggested earlier in some "Support" topic and faked it with this picture:

and I really do believe you, than I guess that my suggestion in this topic is even more complicated to materialize, meaning that it's not worthy of eventual prospective effort.

If something was unclear due to my English, please let me know if it's needed to fake a picture of what I meant.

Whatever you decide regarding my suggestion(s), I want you to know that they are only details that could lead PVD to total perfection: more than enough simple for beginners, very advanced under surface, yet very opened for everyone to involve and to contribute to it.

Wish you all the best.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2010, 07:37:23 pm by buah »


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Re: File listing
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2010, 12:22:13 am »
To keep things simple, let me first point out the dialog you're referring to is a folder selection dialog for the Scan folders routine. As such, it definitely should not include files. Also, the routine is complex enough as is. Adding the ability to scan for images and subtitles is probably not a good idea.

Should there be a separate routine for finding and adding local images? From your comments, I imagine you already have images you would like to include in your database. This is a conversion issue. There are other means by which these images can be imported into the database (e.g., see this topic). Once that's done, any new images are added directly to the database by the program—so there's no need for such a feature.

To see what subtitle files you have, use Movies - Open containing folder. This has a keyboard shortcut, and can be added to your toolbar for easy access. But you probably have a lot of subtitle files in your collections. Consider dumping a directory listing of all your movies to Excel, and parsing this into a list of movies and existing subtitle files. An import of Title, Year, Subs will add the data to the Subs field without affecting existing data. You can, BTW, add any text data using this technique. The exact Title (or Original title) and Year should be included to ensure a match to the existing record.


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Re: File listing
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2010, 05:38:20 am »,

Thank you for reply.

Consider dumping a directory listing of all your movies to Excel, and parsing this into a list of movies and existing subtitle files.

I already tried to do something with a great little free application named YourDir. The problem is I don't have all my movies on HDD, so neither a list of corresponding subtitles. The question was meant to finally be able to generate such a list after manual import of subtitles, and primarily for further single imports - as less as possible "Open" dialogs to open.

You can, BTW, add any text data using this technique.

I already used it, but in such cases I had data, or I was able to generate such a list :) If you recall our correspondence about "Path" field, I finally generated Excel list with with one of columns named "In collection" (with value "-1") and made custom checkbox "In collection" in PVD and updated all owned movies, to keep track of them in such a way.

An import of Title, Year, Subs will add the data to the Subs field without affecting existing data. The exact Title (or Original title) and Year should be included to ensure a match to the existing record.

Even if I could made such a list,  because of the issue mentioned here that I also faced with, I wouldn't dare to do any further update now when I finished importing movie entries with exact titles, original titles, episodes that I own, etc (yes, I made a backup :)).

To see what subtitle files you have, use Movies - Open containing folder

I'd like to try this option, but as for now, don't know how. It's grayed (while "play" is available, if it's related to)?

Anyway, thank you for your effort, at least after several posts, at the end I always get the idea how to do something faster, better, etc. For instance, right now I'm thinking that if ID column could substitute Title column (which I didn't test), I think it would be done without problems above? In my case, ID is manually assigned and represent catalog number of a movie in my collection. Movies that I don't own, don't have IDs for now.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2010, 05:46:56 am by buah »


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Re: File listing
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2010, 08:17:29 am »
Even if I could made such a list,  because of the issue mentioned here that I also faced with, I wouldn't dare to do any further update now when I finished importing movie entries with exact titles, original titles, episodes that I own, etc

I'm not sure what you mean by this. My only point was you can safety bulk-import additional data to existing records without affecting other fields. But I think you know that. :-\

I'd like to try this option, but as for now, don't know how. It's grayed

It shouldn't be greyed unless there's no path in the File path field.

For instance, right now I'm thinking that if ID column could substitute Title column (which I didn't test), I think it would be done without problems above? In my case, ID is manually assigned and represent catalog number of a movie in my collection. Movies that I don't own, don't have IDs for now.

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Also, I don't use external media, ID's or labels, so I'm not sure of the best way to handle these things anyway. I do caution you to consider whether you should be putting your catalog number in the ID field. It's designed to increment automatically for new movies (which may or may not be what you want) and it can be re-indexed (definitely not what you want). If you want to use it and it's incrementing feature for new movies, you could import your catalog numbers to it and a separate custom field. Your existing catalog numbers would then be safe if, for example, the ID field was accidentally re-indexed. Instead of a custom field, I suppose you could use Media location, if it's not otherwise used.


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Re: File listing
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2010, 04:12:38 pm »
Thank you for your reply Rick.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. My only point was you can safety bulk-import additional data to existing records without affecting other fields. But I think you know that. :-\

Of course I do know it doesn't affect existing data. But, while updating data via Excel plug-in, somehow some movies and especially series, were not updated, I rather got extra movie and series entries which were basically duplicates of the existing ones, and containing Excel updating records, but (of course) not containing manually added online data. So, I later merge those two records manually. Anyway, I don't think it's worthy to further discuss this matter at all, because it happens for about a hundred of records, which is about 2% of entire collection.

It shouldn't be greyed unless there's no path in the File path field.

... in Edit mode. I figured it out before I was able to read your post. Thank you for suggestion, it's really hard to become familiar with all options and advantages of PVD in 2 weeks, for how long I used it. Unfortunately, as I said many times, I didn't have any paths, because for my purposes (and from my prospective, generally) path is useless: I don't keep movies on HDD, but on DVDs in DVD cases, which information is useless to import to Path field in order to be able to use CTRL+O.

For instance, right now I'm thinking that if ID column could substitute Title column...

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

I  meant, if its possible Excel to contains only ID, Year and Subtitle columns in order to update existing PVD entries with Subtitles data. Thus, no one using IDs in a way I do wouldn't have problems I had and which I described above. Please reply on this to me.

I do caution you to consider whether you should be putting your catalog number in the ID field. It's designed to increment automatically for new movies (which may or may not be what you want)
That option is turned off in my personal references.

and it can be re-indexed (definitely not what you want).
I don't need to re-index movies at all. For any new movie(s) to add, I turn on "ID-ing", and after importing I turn it off. In such a way, I don't need another custom field. Re-index is "banned" in my environment :)

So, I want to clarify that I thoroughly describe everything I do and everything that I ask, not because of you, but for other user who might read my correspondence to quickly identify their possible issues.


« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 04:26:57 pm by buah »


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Re: File listing
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2010, 12:56:42 am »
Anyway, I don't think it's worthy to further discuss this matter at all, because it happens for about a hundred of records, which is about 2% of entire collection.

For the sake of others, had your import file included the exact Title (or Original title) and Year, I can't imagine the circumstances that would cause an error rate this high.

Unfortunately, as I said many times, I didn't have any paths, because for my purposes (and from my prospective, generally) path is useless: I don't keep movies on HDD, but on DVDs in DVD cases, which information is useless to import to Path field in order to be able to use CTRL+O.

Of course. Back to your original suggestion. If you need the directory information of an external disk while it's being scanned, an Explorer window will provide the information and allow you to do whatever you may need to do with any of the files (e.g., view a subtitles file to verify the language). If you want to record that information, use a shortcut with the command dir d: /s | clip and paste the results to any memo field.

I  meant, if its possible Excel to contains only ID, Year and Subtitle columns in order to update existing PVD entries with Subtitles data. Thus, no one using IDs in a way I do wouldn't have problems I had and which I described above. Please reply on this to me.

I don't know. Have you tried it? As I've said several times, using Title and Year to ensure existing entries are matched works fine.

I don't need to re-index movies at all. For any new movie(s) to add, I turn on "ID-ing", and after importing I turn it off. In such a way, I don't need another custom field. Re-index is "banned" in my environment

I think it would be safer if the reindexing function could be disabled in Preferences. It's obviously only applicable in the rare instance one is creating a completely new index. To clarify, I assume you mean you enable indexing only when adding media, because otherwise it will add an index number for new movies for which there is no media. Correct?

So, I want to clarify that I thoroughly describe everything I do and everything that I ask, not because of you, but for other user who might read my correspondence to quickly identify their possible issues.

I hope it's clear this is how I try to respond to everything. So if what I say seems irrelevant to your concern or otherwise not what you want to hear, it may be because it's for the benefit of others. And for me—I like to document my thoughts before they fade away. ;)


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Re: File listing
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2010, 03:33:27 am »
For the sake of others, had your import file included the exact Title (or Original title) and Year, I can't imagine the circumstances that would cause an error rate this high.

I can. The problem is what "Exact (Original) Title" is? The titles in Excel and PVD columns? That's easy. Or, maybe you thought of IMDb (Original) Title? Or Both. Remember that I'm trying to make my first accurate Excel table. Meanwhile, whatever I choose, I'll face problems, sooner or later. When first imported a few years ago it was Only Fools & Horses on IMDb, and it's how it ended up in my Excel table, than to PVD. Rick, try to search with such a title through PVD today, you'll get not a word from a title. Today it ended up at IMDb as Only Fools and Horses and it's in PVD now, but not yet back in Excel table. Not to mention South Korean movies, or titles with non-english prefixes (Le, Die, Det, etc). I simply didn't have so much will to reverse all changes to Excel, every time I notice those changes. And it's useless, I think. IDs I assigned are permanent, inconstant, also as IMDb urls (which I don't have, yet), regardless of how the Title is displayed. Or, maybe I'm still wrong? I would like to know what I'm mising, that's for sure. First, I have to finish with PVD combining available Excel table and IMDb, so to finally generate Excel list once for all.

EDIT: Now I was wondering: there are two Gossip movies shot in 2000, and I have both of them in my collection (about 45 of such in my collection). How will PVD know which one I want to update? And duplicates someone intentionally made? Only ID?

Unfortunately, as I said many times, I didn't have any paths, because for my purposes (and from my prospective, generally) path is useless: I don't keep movies on HDD, but on DVDs in DVD cases, which information is useless to import to Path field in order to be able to use CTRL+O.

Of course. Back to your original suggestion. If you need the directory information of an external disk while it's being scanned, an Explorer window will provide the information and allow you to do whatever you may need to do with any of the files (e.g., view a subtitles file to verify the language). If you want to record that information, use a shortcut with the command dir d: /s | clip and paste the results to any memo field.
Thank you on this one. It'll help for scanning external media with all files in root of d: I guess. But, if there is a single folder in d: and I want  a list of files (only) in that folder, it'll become tricky, I assume.

I  meant, if its possible Excel to contains only ID, Year and Subtitle columns in order to update existing PVD entries with Subtitles data. Thus, no one using IDs in a way I do wouldn't have problems I had and which I described above. Please reply on this to me.

I don't know. Have you tried it? As I've said several times, using Title and Year to ensure existing entries are matched works fine.

I didn't try, yet. As for now, I'm preparing a complete list of files (or only of subs, I'll decide later) of all my movies. My list looks something like:

4879     04879 - Returner - Ritana (2002)
4879     Returner - Ritana (2002)-front.jpg
4879  Returner - Ritana (2002).avi
4879  Returner - Ritana (2002)
4879  Returner - Ritana (2002)
4879    Returner - Ritana (2002).jpg
4880    04880 - Saturday Night Fever (1977)
4880    Saturday Night Fever (1977)-front.jpg
4880    Saturday Night Fever (1977).cd1.avi
4880    Saturday Night Fever (1977)
4880    Saturday Night Fever (1977)
4880  Saturday Night Fever (1977).cd2.avi
4880    Saturday Night Fever (1977)
4880    Saturday Night Fever (1977)
4880    Saturday Night Fever (1977).jpg

First coulumn is movie ID, and every first row with that ID iz Folder Name, then rows with files in folder. I'm trying to figure out how to such sorted data re-sort in (which?) format so to be compatible for PVD. I guess I have to have a single column for subtitles, but I have subtitles in more than one language. Is Excel value "[sublanguage1],%20[sublanguage2],%20[... etc" proper to import to PVD subtitle's multiselect  list? Am I asking too much?

I think it would be safer if the reindexing function could be disabled in Preferences.
Agree. How many times you clicked something you mustn't? Priceless experience :)

To clarify, I assume you mean you enable indexing only when adding media, because otherwise it will add an index number for new movies for which there is no media. Correct?

Exactly. I guess what you're aiming to. It's a little bit complicated to explain mine concept in one post, so I'll try to explain it later. As for now, I'll tell you that I don't want every time while adding media, to go through preferences in order to check if Filmography, or whatever is unchecked or checked (which I might did it for testing or other purpose), or if various filters are turned on or not (the same as previous). And when problem occurs it's always about "one option (in)sufficiently (not)checked" :) And especially for a first-time mass online import in silent mode. I try to make it with one click always:"IDing" on or off! ID and equivalent url (to be more specific - IMDbID) are the ultimate authoritative data that represent my collection: ID to find the movie in DVD case (or likely HDD case in near future), and url (not the Title) to find online data about it. Everything else is versatile as I explained at the beginning of this post. The least damage is to get consistent  ID-IDMbID list, and from time to time to update Titles also (to allow overwrite Titles if there is url. I don't know yet if this is how PVD works)

I hope it's clear this is how I try to respond to everything. So if what I say seems irrelevant to your concern or otherwise not what you want to hear, it may be because it's for the benefit of others. And for me—I like to document my thoughts before they fade away. ;)

No, of course I didn't mean that way, and you know it. What I meant to say, is that if you sometimes think that I use to much space to describe, to ask, to explain something that is too obvious (to you), I did it not because I think you couldn't get what I meant, but because of the sake of others. I am really sorry for possible miscommunication on this.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 03:47:52 am by buah »


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Re: File listing
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2010, 08:09:03 am »
I can. The problem is what "Exact (Original) Title" is? The titles in Excel and PVD columns?...

This is more complicated than the matter I was commenting on—which was how the import facility works. IF the title and year in your import file are exactly the same as those values in your database, THEN a proper match will be made. Conversely, if this is not the case, the resulting problems are not the fault of the import routine, but the improper preparation of the import file.

To illustrate: If you wanted to import something like subtitles available, you would have to find a way to correctly associate the subtitle files with the Title and Yearas they exist in the database. The import routine is not going to magically do it for you. Depending on your Excel skills, this can be done by exporting a list of Title and Year from the database to Excel, parsing a directory listing containing the subtitle files, and then using a variety of different techniques in Excel to create the necessary data (i.e., Title, Year, Subtitles).

EDIT: Now I was wondering: there are two Gossip movies shot in 2000, and I have both of them in my collection (about 45 of such in my collection). How will PVD know which one I want to update?

PVD will update the one currently selected. It will be up to you to decide which IMDb entry you want that record associated with. Once you've made that decision, the URL will be recorded and that will resolve any future ambiguity. The URLs probably won't help you tell them apart, so you'll probably want to change the titles to to Gossip [n] or Gossip [Director] or whatever suits you. This is one of a number of reasons why there is a Title separate from Original title.

It'll help for scanning external media with all files in root of d: I guess. But, if there is a single folder in d: and I want  a list of files (only) in that folder, it'll become tricky, I assume.

If you dare (i.e., do so at your own risk), save the following as a .reg file and merge it to your registry. It should add the command to your folder context menu so you can execute it relative to any folder.

Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Directory to clipboard"

@="cmd.exe /c dir %1 /s | clip"

I'm preparing a complete list of files (or only of subs, I'll decide later) of all my movies. My list looks something like...

If your file names are as consistent as this suggests, it shouldn't be difficult to parse this using formulas in Excel. Title starts at the same position and end before "(". Year is the four characters after "(". Language tags are the three characters starting from the length of the filename string less seven. So all this is easily parsed into columns. Then sort on language and delete the invalid lines (invalid because they're not subtitle files). You'll then have a table of subtitles. Then vlookup Title and Year from the table exported from your database (or vice versa). This will work for all those for which the title has not changed. The remaining could be matched manually if few, or subject to further techniques (e.g., matching partial titles, merging and sorting the lists, etc.).

Exactly. I guess what you're aiming to.

I wasn't aiming at anything other than clarification. I don't use this feature, so I was unsure how it worked.

(to allow overwrite Titles if there is url. I don't know yet if this is how PVD works)

Normally, you would set Original title to be overwritten (normally, it would be empty anyway) and leave Title as is. Title is the one you change to resolve ambiguity, change a foreign title to your own language, etc. You don't want it being overwritten.

No, of course I didn't mean that way, and you know it.

I understood exactly what you meant. I just wanted to make sure you understood why I answer messages the way I do. I'm the last person who's going to complain about you using too many words. ;D


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Re: File listing
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2010, 04:32:07 pm »

Big thank you for your reply. Too much new things to implement, some old to revise, some to change prospective for, and what remaines to further discuss with you.

I'll stop here for a while, for that reason.


