Hallo forum,
I suggest do implement a function to group Episodes into an exsiting Movie. If you import movies form your disk which can not be grouped by the import tool, manual grouping becomes nessesary. I have solved it with a smoll C# program, but it schould be done from context-menu:
// strMID ist the MID of the series-entry in MOVIES
sqlQuery = "UPDATE MOVIES SET \"series\" = '-1' WHERE \"mid\" = " + strMID + ";";
rows = PVD.execute(sqlQuery);
// each line contains the mid of an imported, but not grouped episode
string[] lines = Regex.Split(this.textBoxEPISODEN.Text, "\r\n");
foreach (string line in lines)
sqlQuery = "SELECT gen_id(GEN_EPID,1) FROM RDB$DATABASE ;";
FbDataReader myReader;
myReader = PVD.select(sqlQuery);
while (myReader.Read())
strEID = myReader.GetString(0);
sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO EPISODES (\"epid\", \"mid\", \"epnum\", \"season\") VALUES (" + strEID + ", " + strMID + ", '1', '1');";
rows = PVD.execute(sqlQuery);
sqlQuery = "UPDATE MOVIES SET \"epid\" = '" + strEID + "' WHERE \"mid\" = " + "'" + line.Trim() + "'" + ";";
rows = PVD.execute(sqlQuery);