It works for me, so I have to ask
I understand
—is that the version reported in Preferences - Plugins?
Yes (and to be
extra sure, I checked again after you asked, because I am running the dutch language version).
When I wanted to replace the imdb.dll-plugin tonight, I exited the program, downloaded the plugin and unpacked it in de Plugins directory, replacing the one dated november 15th with this one, dated november 20th. And it says at Preferences - Plugins now.
try adding the record and the URL (, then updating it
Ah, I didn't know that trick. That works fine, thanks Rick!
strangely enough: no problem with the movie tagline of 'Adaptation'
An example of comment instead of tagline: Land of the Lost; instead of "Tagline: Right place. Wrong time." it says:
"I have to agree with Kraig. I too never comment on movies because I
don't believe I'm qualified to give a good review. But this goes down
as the worst movie I think I've ever seen. It was so bad that I had to
see it to the end to see if there was some twist or someone was having
a laugh but there was nothing, zip, zero! Special effects were great
and hence it was clear that a lot of money had been spent on this film.
I love Will Farrel and so I was deeply disappointed when I saw this
film. The story came from a kindergarten class and the plot was
pathetic. I'm curious to know who enjoyed this movie and why because
it's tantamount to torture. If I was any of the actors I'd trike this
from my CV. Really...."
(Actually I disagree with that, I loved this movie. But then again, I love everything with Will Ferrell in it

Looking it up on IMDB I
see it's a comment of july 14th (Land of the losers); the 'newest' comment.