Author Topic: Difference between "title" and "origtitle"?  (Read 9354 times)

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Offline raldo

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Difference between "title" and "origtitle"?
« on: November 27, 2009, 08:45:13 pm »
What exactly is the difference between these fields? I see that they are different for some movies, and that for TVseries, title is #<season>.<episode> whereas origtitle is the name of that particular episode.

I also see that origtitle is missing from quite a few movies even if they were successfully looked up on imdb and


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Re: Difference between "title" and "origtitle"?
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2009, 09:44:07 pm »
Title is the name you or the file scanner assigns to the record. If you have the field set to be overwritten, a download plugin will replace it with the title according to the online source. (Note: According to the IMDb... "We use the original title of a film in its original language as its primary title.") If configured to do so, this "official" title is also saved as Original title. This is displayed only if different from Title. The list can be configured to use either (or both). Even if it seems redundant, Original title should be maintained, if only because it's the only title that will populate the Web search box.

In the case of episodes, I believe the file scanner assigns <season>.<episode> to Title because the episode title is normally unknown before the plugin is run. The plug will replace this with the episode title (but note that if the IMDb record has not yet been updated, it's title will also be <season>.<episode>).

If your Original title is missing (and not just hidden because it's the same as Title), it may be because it was not set in overwrite fields preferences at the time the plugin was run.

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Re: Difference between "title" and "origtitle"?
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2009, 11:57:11 pm »
Title is the name you or the file scanner assigns to the record. If you have the field set to be overwritten, a download plugin will replace it with the title according to the online source.

I don't see title being replaced by origtitle. Both fields are set to be overwritten.

If i import from imdb from scratch, the name becomes #<>.<>, and imdb fails (more or less) because all episodes of the series are listed.

If I do an import from thetvdb, the correct episode is picked, but the name (title) remains. orig title is ok.

(I expect to post a new release of PvdImport soon, btw. Did you have any luck with auto update?)

« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 11:58:57 pm by raldo »


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Re: Difference between "title" and "origtitle"?
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2009, 12:50:38 am »
Updating series (i.e., adding one or a few episodes) is kind of tricky. Initially, there's no URL or actual title, so the IMDb search results are rather useless. TheTVDb plugin, however, always downloads all the available information for the series—so, if there is one, it will provide the episode name. With an episode name, the IMDb search will provide a reasonable search result (i.e., the target will be at or near the top of the list). So, I use a batch file that runs TheTVDb followed by the IMDb plugin. (Note that an IMDb search is likely necessary, so this has to be done with silent mode off.) If that doesn't work (e.g., TheTVDb doesn't yet have the episode title), the only alternative is to update the entire series—to get the episode titles and URL's—and then update the subject episode(s) again. That, of course, is a waste of time if there is no information there—often the case for recent episodes.

BTW—I suppose I should clarify—I'm not running two plugins in case one of them doesn't work. I run IMDb to get the credits, and TheTVDb for it's episode description.

(I expect to post a new release of PvdImport soon, btw. Did you have any luck with auto update?)

PVD is busy rebuilding my database (what I did before, but leaving the wish movies in). I'll try agian in 4-6 hours.

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Re: Difference between "title" and "origtitle"?
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2009, 03:30:19 pm »
It turns out that this really isn't an issue after all. I've now set up JRiver MC to display .Orig Title as the title in theater view. This means that the origtitle field in PVD now is nicely displayed in the info panel.

The mc [Name] field is still displayed below the thumbnail; would you know how to change that to my own field? In theater view, using the name caption "If(IsEmpty([.Original Title]),[Name],[.Original Title])" works well...
« Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 04:18:49 pm by raldo »


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Re: Difference between "title" and "origtitle"?
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2009, 03:18:28 am »
You got it. It's a bit annoying there's only one caption for all media types. So far, I do something like this for episode titles, and I'm satisfied with [Name] for audio and images. But some day I'm going to have a meter-long expression in there. ;)