I just don't believe that good software development—or any creative process—can result by a bunch of people with different perspectives and preferences presenting unopposed ideas.
This is a really great point
Discussion among people with different baselines, goals and agendas is inherently prone to disagreement and wounded feelings. Sometimes this can lead to domination by some personality types who hold strong opinions and withdrawal from those who feel intimidated or lack the assertiveness to properly put forward and defend their ideas.
What is important is that opposition should be undertaken with the goal of stimulating further discussion rather than stunting it. This sounds like common sense, but novice users and those who visit the board infrequently may be put off posting just because of the tone of the thread or their relative inexperience compared to the power users who often dominate such discussions. In the end I think the art of diplomacy is key from both parties - recognition of the positive aspects of an idea or suggestion with non-confrontational exposition of problems and drawbacks is more likely to promote further discussion than outright disagreement. It's not simply about backing up assertions with logic, either, but attempting to identify the use case and perspective of the person you happen to be disagreeing with.
I'm usually pretty sensitive about how I'm perceived by others and, like many people, sometimes take criticism or outright disagreement to heart. Sometimes we need to be thick-skinned though and recognise that if our perspective or suggestion isn't supported by someone, it probably just reflects different needs and use of the program and not personal hostility...
Rick is very active here and I think this has been largely beneficial for the program's development. Personally I've had a bunch of problems since I started using the program and he's solved or helped with the vast majority of them.
So yeah... let's all play, but play nice
So do I now hit "post" or is this just another demonstration of my annoying strong mindedness?
"Post" is always a good choice