There seems to some odd behaviour around this. It seems to have something to do with the fact this is a list field, and the program is ignoring the case. Note the list of values is in
Preferences - Lists. This is so you can change the values directly, without having to edit individual records. You should be able to fix your problem by selecting "france" (look at the end of the list—lower case comes after upper) and
renaming it to "France."
Part of what I find odd is the "Ignore case" checkbox in Preferences. I can't figure out what it does. I was unable to add "france" to my list (because "France" already exists) whether this was checked or not. I had to add "franceX" and then rename this to "france." When editing movies, however, it makes no difference to select "france"—"France" is always displayed. All this, of course, is just a curiousity. There is only one France, and I don't want "france" in my database. But I'm left wondering what this checkbox is for.