Author Topic: Viewing Missing Episodes  (Read 6708 times)

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Offline darichman

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Viewing Missing Episodes
« on: July 01, 2009, 09:04:51 am »
Hi there.

I was wondering if it were possible to achieve the following: I have series populated with all the episodes belonging to that series, downloaded from TheTVDb. All the episodes I have files for have the "Path" field populated. There are many episodes/seasons I am missing - naturally these episodes contain an empty Path field.

I wish to display all the episodes which I don't have files for (ie to see what I'm missing) - find movies removed from HD works well for this with movies, but isn't really helpful for episodes. It appears to look only at the "Series" level, and not at the episode level.

An example (* denotes I have a file and the path is entered into the episode reference)

American Dad
  Season 1
    1.1 *
    1.2 *
    1.4 *
    ... *
  Season 2
    2.2 *
    2.3 *

How could I get it to display only

American Dad
  Season 1
  Season 2

EDIT: I just realised I can do this with the filter "Show movies on removable drives". Thanks for being a few steps ahead Nostra ;)

