I'm new, and finally glad I found a SW I find appropriate for my growing collection.
Anyhow,I do not understand some things, I would be very glad if you could answer these Qs.
1) I chose PVD because it seems there's an option to use Playlists as PLS or M3U. But I did not find a feature in PVD which lets me create them.
I need user defined Playlists because I stream the movies from HDD to my Playstation3, which really works fine using the java-program "PS3mediaserver", neat software that is. Sadly on the ps3 it can only show me my folder structure or playlist content (needs relative paths).
So what I wanted to do is create my database entries and then create playlists by Genre, stored on toplevel of my movie files folder . How can that be done? Because otherwise, I really am stuck.
2) It seems I need admin rights for PVD to run properly.
Initially I wanted to run it as -portable because I liked the idea of all files being contained in one folder. Anyhow, this only worked with admin rights, as in both program files locations I use, the rights were too low for PVD to run. It always gave me an error code 32 (user has no permission to read/select TABLE..) when I tried to execute PVD.
Well I then used the normal viddb.exe which worked because it saves the DB in \my documents.
But sadly, as I just tried to config the plugins, the program reported the error "File access denied". Again, this works fine with admin rights, but I do not want to run it with admin rights. A program should work without.
Any Idea what I did wrong setting up the program or anything? Only thing I can come up with is allowing read/write in "Program files\pvd". I extracted the zip-version..
3) I already tried to import OFDB.de info for some movies which worked. If I need to add special information to that movie not provided by OFDB, like the IMDB-rating, how would I do that? Is it correct to just go on import -> get movie info from IMDB, and with default settings it only fills the fields which have not been filled by OFDB?
4) I tried to load covers from allcdcovers. But somehow it opened their webpage. How can they be imported like the amazon posters?
5) Is it possible to automaticaly download sth. like a short movie description like from AllCDCovers, the Back Cover information to the description or comment field? I find the IMDB/OFDB plot/description too detailled to read it before watching the movie.
6) How do I get the roles automatically added next to the actor?
I bet there are more qeustions to come
Thank You very much, ILM