Since you're working on your list... I'll vote for [IMDb number of votes], and while you're at it, please add the Top 250 rank (that appears right after the vote count). And since both these change over time, this would be another good reason to make available the date the movie was last updated by a download.
A minor quibble: A custom number field for votes won't display with a thousands separator. Shouldn't it do so by default—like standard number fields?
For those not following our fearless leader on Twitter...

Make sure you update the imdb plugin. Take a look at the plugin configuration. There is more than just fixes...
The new export plugin version is available for download. Whole new functions are available now. More on the forum soon.
For the second one, we'll just have to "stay tuned." Hopefully, he'll tell us what he has created—before he forgets.