hi there,
somehow my pvd settings got f*cked up (I suspect a certain female who still pretends to be innocent) ...
when I started pvd this morning at first I thought the database is corrupt - all movie entries just showed the audio codec. everything else was gone.
as adding 10400 movies took a bit of time (and the last backup was some weeks ago) I suffered a severe heart attack.
I recovered though when I noticed that only the settings has been set back to some "minimal factory default".
the fields werent gone - just the visibility was unchecked.
most other settings were set in a rather minimalist way too.
thank god I could reset them all to their beloved and useful setting.
except the list colors - which were all set to black btw.
no matter how convincingly I set them to everything from pink to mud at the preferences - the list stays black on white. for all entries.
which is a bit ... tiresome ...
so, I'd like to formulate a request: HELP!
someone please help me!