As for Multiple movies editor, it would be nice if it would include all fields that might not be unique, but then it would still not include custom fields. I often wonder if it would not be better if it were just a simple dialog where you could select any field (regular or custom) and enter a value. Very rarely do I change more than one field at a time, which seems to be the only advantage to the current implementation. Also, it would be nice if the value box would include a drop-down showing all the current values of the selected items (i.e., whether or not they are list fields). Even if the new value is to be none of these, it's a convenient way to confirm exactly what is being changed.
I'll consider implementing this as it sounds pretty convenient for a user and pretty easy to implement for me.
That does sound much more flexible than the current editor. Although, I have to say that I
do use the Multiple Movies Editor to change several fields all at once.
My workflow is like this: I have a lot of movies in .AVI files, stored on DVD-R's. When I scan the discs and import the movies into PVD, the program always sets "Media Type" to "DVD5" ('cause they're stored on single-layer DVD-R's). And the "Media Count" field is left blank.
What I want to do is change "Media Type" to "AVI" (actually I use a more descriptive string, but let's call it "AVI" for the sake of discussion) AND "Media Count" to reflect the number of files each movie is broken into (most used to be "2" since that was the original number of files as I found them, but more likely to be "1" nowadays). And while I'm at it, I change the "Media Location" value as well.
I can easily do this now in the current Multiple Movies Editor, but the above proposal would require three steps (one for each field) if I understand it correctly.
Oh well, can't have it both ways, I guess? I do still like the proposal, though.