English > Feature Suggestions


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Sounds like custom image fields...

That would do it! ;)

kri kri:
Thank you for the support!  :D

Custom image field...(drool).  With captions?  And a list or table format display option?

Right now I use screen shots for capturing portraits of the cast members and ignore action sequences.  This is faster than finding a good action image, and gives me a better representation of the movie than using the automated screen shot maker.

The problem is that I'd like to put names with the images, and (holding my breath) using the same image for the cast member "person page" rather than loading the same image twice (breathing out, slowwwwly).

Of course enhancements to the screen shots would work just as well for me.  Someday, I'd like to end up with is a movie page with portraits of the cast (where I have them) in place of the less interesting text links.  I'm sure this could be done through an html export, but the more I can do in one place, the better.

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It hardly seems right to call the screen shot maker "automatic" when it won't do intelligent face tagging (which, of course, includes taking shot only of recognized faces). But don't hold your breath. ;)


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