English > Feature Suggestions


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kri kri:
I think this site has matured a bit since it released. If someone would write a web search for it that would be great.


Movies: http://themoviedb.org/search/movies?search[text]=%s%u
People: http://themoviedb.org/search/people?search[text]=%s%u
  Both: http://themoviedb.org/search?search[text]=%s%u

The /movies or /people part takes you directly to the Movie or People results page, rather than the catch-all "Popular Results" page.

The popularity and content of this sight seem to be continuing to improve, so I'm renewing the plea for a plugin.

Personally, I would prefer it to use the Movie.imdbLookup API method. I would only use it in addition to the IMDb, so an independent search by name wouldn't be of much use. Also, I'd be happy if whatever posters and fan art are available are simply added to existing posters and screen shots. There's not too many of them, and the quality is consistent enough, it seems pointless to screen them. If this is the way it worked it would consistently find and download anything available for any particular movie—without any user intervention.

Ideally, a plugin should be flexible/configurable, but maybe it would be much easier to code this way. :-\

Ok, I'll create a plugin for release


BTW, Media Center is developing to a point where users are likely to be demanding fan art of the the type provided by TheMovieDb (for use in it's Theatre View). PvdImport does not yet handle screenshots, as MC currently only uses one "cover art" image per media file. But I expect that will change soon. If fan art images catch on, it will probably become necessary to distinguish them from screen shots in the database.


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