Blue, hope u can help
I've been trying to get ur script to work but when i export using the sql script the file only gives me the following
INSERT INTO movies (NUM, RIPPER, DATEADDED, IMDBRATING, ORATING, RATING, ORIGTITLE, TITLE, DIRECTOR, PRODUCER, COUNTRY, GENRE, YEAR, LENGTH, ACTORS, URL, DESCRIPTION, COMMENTS, VIDEOCODEC, VIDEOBITRATE, AUDIOCODEC, AUDIOBITRATE, RESOLUTION, FRAMERATE, SUBS, SIZE, VIEWDATE, TAGS, POSTER) VALUES ('0', '', '{%value=dateadded}', '{%value=imdbrating}', '{%value=orating}', '{%value=rating}', '{%value=origtitle}', '{%value=title}', '{%value=directors}', '{%value=producers}', '{%value=country}', '{%value=genre}', '{%value=year}', '{%value=length}', '{%value=actors template="pk_actors.ptm" params="full"}', '{%value=url}', '{%value=description}', '{%value=comment}', '{%value=videocodec}', '{%value=videobitrate}', '{%value=astreams template="pk_audiocodec.ptm"}', '{%value=astreams template="pk_audiobitrate.ptm"}', '{%value=resolution}', '{%value=framerate}', '{%value=subs}', '{%value=size}', '{%value=viewdate}', '{%value=tags}', '{%value=poster}');
It doesn't actually output any information
I'm using pkdb for - website files & templates - sql scripts
The program is v